Hello! Welcome to the new online component for our Confirmation Program! This month, you will explore Catholic teaching about the relationship between God and man. Through this, we come to understand that we can draw close to God. We also discover how sin separates, and often times prevents, us from recognizing God's presence in our lives. Please watch the video, read the assigned sections in the YouCat, read the additional article, and complete the Quiz and Prompt on Schoology. Remember to have this all completed by the next Sealed. Session. Assignments:
This month, Candidates will come to discover or rediscover Jesus as fully human and fully divine. This mystery is central to our faith. They will begin to recognize that Jesus struggled, felt pain, felt lonely, had doubts, had fear, and all at once redeems and saves us from all those things. Please watch the video, read the assigned sections in the YouCat, read the additional article, and complete the Quiz and Prompt on Schoology. Remember to have this all completed by the next Sealed. Assignments:
This month, Candidates will begin their journey of exploring the Mass. This first lesson about the Mass covers the first main part of the Liturgy, the Liturgy of the Word. Sacred Scripture informs our teachings and practice. The more we know about the Mass, the more engaged we will be as we worship together each Sunday.
Please read the assigned sections in the YouCat, read the additional article, and complete the Quiz and Prompt on Schoology. Remember to have this all completed by the next Sealed. Session. This month, Candidates will continue their journey of exploring the Mass. Candidates will explore teachings about the true presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus is the source and summit of our faith. The moment we recognize Jesus’ true presence, we ourselves can truly be present as we worship each Sunday Please read the assigned sections in the YouCat, read the additional article, and complete the Quiz and Prompt on Schoology. Remember to have this all completed by the next Sealed. Session. Assignments:
Have you ever wondered what the Church means when we profess that we believe in ‘the communion of saints’? Did you know there are more saints than those canonized by the Church? Did you know that you’re one of them? This month we will explore how we are united with those who have gone before us as we seek holiness. Please read the assigned sections in the YouCat, read the additional article, and complete the Quiz and Prompt on Schoology. Remember to have this all completed by the next Sealed. Session. Assignments: What do we mean when we profess that we are an ‘apostolic church’? This month, we explore how the Church was founded upon the apostles, how it holds fast to theirTradition, and how it is governed by their successors. The faith given by Jesus to his disciples is the same faith that we profess today.It is the same faith that we are called to share with others. Please read the assigned sections in the YouCat, read the additional article, and complete the Quiz and Prompt on Schoology. Remember to have this all completed by the next Sealed. Session. Assignments:
This month, Candidates will continue their journey of exploring the Mass and further understand the Sacrament of Reconciliation. When we pray the Kyrie, what are we praying? What are we asking for? We plead, “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy!” When we enter the confessional, what is actually happening? As we reflect upon these words, we explore what mercy means. We look at our call to reconciliation. God offers us freedom through grace. He pours out his grace through the sacraments. Grace is God’s love that is constantly offered. His love strengthens us and sustains us. Grace helps us work on our shortcomings. How can we allow him to work in our lives? Through Reconciliation, we admit our sins and allow God to chisel those bad parts out. Through Reconciliation, we turn away from sin and turn toward God. Please read the assigned sections in the YouCat, read the additional article, and complete the Quiz and Prompt on Schoology. Remember to have this all completed by the next Sealed. Session. Assignments:
This month, Candidates will continue their journey of exploring the Mass. When we profess the Nicene Creed, what are we saying? What are we praying? As we look at the Creed, we will explore what we profess, what we proclaim to be our faith. The Creed provides a clear view of what we believe as Roman Catholics. Please read the assigned sections in the YouCat, read the additional article, and complete the Quiz and Prompt on Schoology. Remember to have this all completed by the next Sealed. session. Assignments:
September 2023
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